
Windows XP End-of-Life Doesn’t Have To Spell Disaster!

We reported earlier this month, that the end is near for Windows XP, as Microsoft ends support for the massively popular - but 12-year-old - windows operating system on April 8, 2014. Our last piece covered the announcement offered and a list of questions you should be addressing now to prepare.

Client Spotlight – White Construction Group

Each month Anchor Network Solutions will spotlight one of their many unique clients that look to us to manage their IT needs.

We will highlight best business practices, the challenges they face and why their relationship with Anchor is crucial in the running of their day-to-day business.

The Help Desks Greatest Challenge

Managing any type of service department poses various challenges throughout each day and Anchor’s Help Desk is no exception. At the top are two key principles fighting for first - consistency and communication. When I think back at past failures or frustrated customers, those two factors are typically to blame.

Vince Tinnirello, CEO of Anchor Network Solutions, Inc. has been voted one of the top 150 worldwide SMB IT channel influencers

Vince Tinnirello Named to SMB 150 List

Vince Tinnirello, CEO of Anchor Network Solutions, Inc. has been voted one of the top 150 worldwide SMB IT channel influencers.

Lone Tree, CO – March 21, 2013 – Over the past several months, hundreds of IT professionals from around the world have been engaged in the SMB 150 Channel Influencers contest.

Getting to Know – Charles Lewis

If there is one single thing that makes Anchor Network Solutions great, it's the amazing team of employees we have. Everyone on the team is instrumental to the company's success and we want to take time to recognize them and help you get to know them better.

8 tips to make your email work for you

Have you ever felt like your email was managing you? Did you ever go on vacation and come back to a totally over stuffed inbox?

Email is an effective business tool, but one that consumes far too much of our time and can really knock a hole in our day. In this video there are 8 practical tips on mastering your email and making you more productive.

Thank You Veterans

Anchor would like to thank our two veterans on staff for their service to our country. Michael McFarland, for his non war time service in the US Navy, and Tyler Heath, for his service in the 82nd Airborne of the US Army during the Iraq War. A sincere, heartfelt thanks to both of you.