Judy Tinnirello

Judy joined Anchor in January of 2008 as a part-time Accounting Assistant. If the last name sounds vaguely familiar, let me help you connect the dots; she is Vince’s Mom of course! I asked Judy how it came about that she joined the Anchor Team all those years ago, and she explained that she was here in Colorado for a visit and Vince was doing invoicing. He asked if she was interested in doing it for Anchor and from there, tasks were gradually added. Judy had retired from her job as a Legal Assistant for 7 years, and prior to that, she worked for a Hospitality company that owned three hotels. She quickly grew bored of retirement and working for Anchor kept her mind engaged.
I always like to ask why folks like to work at Anchor and Judy said, “I like to work with Jill (aww shucks), and now Robin. She joked, “It keeps a Senior Citizen out of trouble!”. She added that she found that she missed the office atmosphere, and this gives her some of that camaraderie. Working also keeps her computer skills current. Judy regaled me with a funny story about her time at Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School where she certified in typing and shorthand (anyone remember shorthand?). Her teacher told her that if she could type as fast as she talks, she’d make a million dollars!
Judy and Vince Sr., her husband of “55 fabulous years”, moved from New Jersey to Florida in October of 1984. They enjoy boating in their 19’ Sea Ray around the shores off Clearwater Beach in the Gulf. Judy’s happy place is on the beach or boat with a book as she is a voracious bookworm! She also has plenty to brag about when proudly talking about her 2 children and 4 grandchildren!

Here is some Q & A fun with Judy:
Q: What is your hidden talent?
A: I’m a very good ironer and I love to iron!
Q: Tell us something we don’t know about you!
A: At age 77, while visiting Colorado this summer, I took my first Utility Vehicle ride in the mountains and I loved going over the water and through streams and getting splashed! It was like a golf cart on steroids! Vince Jr was driving and Vince Sr and Macy (granddaughter) were with me and it was the most fun I’ve had in a very long time!
Q: What is the best concert you’ve seen?
A: Dave Matthews! Oh, also Garth Brooks….and Billy Joel….and U2! I can’t pick one!
Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: A dog. We had a miniature schnauzer when the kids were little, and her name was Sunshine!
Q: If you could do another job for a day, what would it be?
A: A Librarian! Or I’ve always wanted to own a Card & Gift shop!
Q: Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
A: With family. It’s not a spot, it’s anytime I can be with family and extended family.
Q: What is your favorite meal?
A: Anytime I don’t have to cook it’s my favorite meal!
Q: As an avid reader, do you have a favorite book or Author?
A: I can’t pick a favorite book. The Authors I read regularly are James Patterson and Catherine Colter to name a couple. I like reading mystery and espionage.